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How to do it

Select the main map icon for ground pressure.
You will see a color pressure map, isolines and pressure information in the pressure feature.
The pressure isoline and information about the pressure level or below is also visible on other maps. You can set this visibility in "setup/still show isobars"

low clouds

How do pressure systems affect our flying?
Pressure systems, such as high-pressure and low-pressure systems, do affect thermal paragliding due to their impact on weather conditions and air currents. The following factors may be relevant to thermal paragliding depending on the pressure systems:

High-pressure systems: In areas with high atmospheric pressure (anticyclone), it is typically associated with clear and calm weather. These conditions can result in less thermal activity. It may be more challenging to find strong thermal updrafts, and flying may be more influenced by atmospheric stability.

Low-pressure systems: In areas with low atmospheric pressure (cyclone), there is often associated with unstable weather conditions that can support the development of thermal updrafts. Low-pressure systems can lead to the formation of thunderstorms, which can provide strong thermal currents but may also be associated with unfavorable conditions for safe flying.

Frequency and intensity of thermals: The presence of pressure systems can influence the frequency and intensity of thermal updrafts. In areas with a high-pressure system, there may be less thermal activity and a lower number of thermal updrafts. Conversely, in areas with a low-pressure system and unstable conditions, there may be stronger thermal currents and a higher frequency of thermals.

It is important to monitor current weather conditions, weather forecasts, and consult with local pilots or paragliding instructors familiar with local pressure system influences. Safety is always a priority when engaging in any flight activity, so it is crucial to adapt plans and activities to the current weather conditions.

Explanation of the formation of pressure systems
(high-pressure systems and low-pressure systems) near the Earth's surface:

High-Pressure System Formation: A high-pressure system, also known as an anticyclone, is an area of atmospheric pressure that is higher than its surrounding areas. Here's how a high-pressure system forms:

Subsidence: High-pressure systems often develop due to the process of subsidence. Subsidence occurs when air from higher altitudes sinks toward the Earth's surface. As the air descends, it undergoes compression, which leads to an increase in atmospheric pressure.

Clear Skies: High-pressure systems are typically associated with clear skies and fair weather conditions. As the descending air sinks, it warms and becomes more stable. This stability inhibits the formation of clouds and precipitation, resulting in generally dry and calm conditions.

Diverging Winds: The descending air in a high-pressure system causes the air to diverge or spread out horizontally. This divergence leads to the clockwise rotation of winds in the Northern Hemisphere (counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere) around the high-pressure center.

Low-Pressure System Formation: A low-pressure system, also known as a cyclone, is an area of atmospheric pressure that is lower than its surrounding areas. Here's how a low-pressure system forms:

Convergence and Vertical Uplift: Low-pressure systems often form due to the convergence of air masses at the Earth's surface. When air masses with different characteristics (temperature, humidity, etc.) meet, they can't easily displace each other. Instead, they are forced to rise vertically, leading to the formation of a low-pressure area.

Rising Air and Cloud Formation: As the air rises within a low-pressure system, it cools and expands. This cooling causes water vapor in the air to condense, forming clouds and potentially leading to the development of precipitation.

Convection and Circulation: The rising air within a low-pressure system creates an area of low atmospheric pressure. Surrounding air flows inward toward the low-pressure center, resulting in counterclockwise rotation of winds in the Northern Hemisphere (clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere).

Weather Instability: Low-pressure systems are often associated with unstable weather conditions, including cloudiness, precipitation, and potential storm development. The rising air within the low-pressure system provides the necessary conditions for cloud formation and atmospheric instability.

It's important to note that pressure systems are dynamic and constantly changing due to various atmospheric factors. High-pressure and low-pressure systems play a significant role in weather patterns and can influence the movement of air masses and the development of weather systems.

This explanation provides a simplified overview, and the actual processes involved in pressure system formation can be more complex and influenced by additional factors.